
The 4 Breaths

Tara Buckel
January 22, 2024

I've been using a new relaxation tool which has grown into an important focus for supporting me to look after myself during the Covid 19 crisis.  When physical contact with therapists needed to be paused, my trainer, and the founder of No Hands Massage (Gerry Pyves) put together a wonderful, but simple self-healing meditation called The 4 breaths which he shared with all the No Hands (massage) Therapists.   It's something I've always liked the idea of, but never really thought it would be for me.  


I have experienced problems with anxiety since I was tiny and in recent years I have used massage (as a therapist and a client) as a key part of effectively keeping myself in a good place. And then the massage had to stop.   Massage will always be my number one, but I'm finding meditation for relaxation something I'm drawn to.  I'm using it regularly and even on the first day noticed how it was calming my whole being. 

I am asthmatic, so the idea of focusing on my breath was not easy for me.  I do it really well when I am massaging my clients, but it's a different issue when the rhythm of breath is the main aim. 

Gerry has put together a video guide which explains very simply how to make it work for you, how our body and mind responds and why it's so effective.  If you were to ask me what I receive from The 4 Breaths exercise, I have to say it's quite similar to how I feel after a really soothing massage. 

As I mentioned, anxiety has been no stranger to me.  I have a teen family member with ASD and our household can get pretty fraught at times.  The desire to escape into a calm and restful space (especially throughout CV19 lockdown) has been vital for me to cope.  it's a feeling of gaining some space and freedom in my head, my body feels free of tension and I have an amazing blissed out feeling of lightness washing over me.  Most of all, it enables me to reboot and move on.  I expect everyone receives a different outcome, and, of course, like massage or exercise, the effects accumulate the more you do it.  

The 4 Breaths package includes the THEORY behind why it’s such a powerful tool, and the PRACTICAL elements of how to make the most of it.  Do watch these, you only need to see them once.  Gerry is a great teacher, I've learned so much from him over the years.   The 20 minute audio is a GUIDED MEDITATION. 

 It's all free and available to use time and time again.  All you need is a quiet comfortable space, your phone or your laptop and some relaxing music.  Even if this is not your ‘thing’ (I didn't think it was mine to be honest), do give it a go.  

I’d love to know how you find The 4 Breaths Meditation– please do let me know. And as I come across other tools and resources I think could be helpful for you, I’ll send them through.

Enjoy...and I look forward to hearing all about it!

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Tara Buckel
Therapist since 1999. Specialising in TraumaTherapy and Pain Management
Main photograph credit:
Tara Buckel

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